Publisher: How to Re-Market Past Jobs

A step by step walkthrough of converting old jobs to new revenue in Publisher.

Have old jobs that aren’t making anymore money? Usee this guide below to reactivate and make money!

  1. Open Publisher and sign-in.

  2. Navigate to your jobs tab.

  3. Within each job, you are able to reset the current “Expiration Date”, or remove the “Expiration Date” entirely to activate the gallery via the “Schedule” icon located in the left-side panel.


4. Want to re-open multiple or ALL your galleries?

Quick tip: Right click on any single job or highlight multiple jobs at once to show a dropdown menu, allowing you to edit the expiration date in a mass apply.

*If you have archived galleries, you will need to republish those galleries before you update the expiration date.

Great! You’ve successfully re-opened your past year/season galleries… now what?

  1. Proactively reach out to your school contacts to communicate to parents.

  2. Utilize the “Email Guest” function in Publisher, or existing campaigns to let your customers know.

If you have a need assistance with marketing communication and best practice language, please reach out - we’re here to help you!